
Public Participation

Parish Workshop

On April 23, the ML+H team conducted a parish workshop after the 11:15 service. Utilizing four stations, the design team listened and gathered the ideas and thoughts of approximately 60 parishioners. Discussing the arrival experience, site programming, adjacent uses, and the music and educational needs allowed the team to gather valuable feedback for developing the initial concepts. Please see the links below to access the presentation and other documents from the workshop. 

Worship Space
Town Hall Meeting I

Where are we today? The church hosted these Town Hall meetings because we acknowledge that two of the four services are regularly “full”. We are blessed that so many want to worship this us, and it is fundamental to our mission as a parish church that we address issues of capacity when they arise. 


Worship +
Facility Assessment

The Vestry surveys yielded overarching goals and existing constraints felt by the parishioners. Findings included the severe need for better parking options during crowded periods, better pedestrian connections between buildings, easier accessibility for those that are mobility-impaired, and a renewed interest in attracting new families to the congregation.


Survey Conclusions
Town Hall Meeting II

After compiling and analyzing the final survey results, several conclusions were drawn. There is a fantastic mix of age groups and worship tenure, therefore we must celebrate that diversity. In addition, church members feel that the Sunday morning service should be the focus of expansion. The Parish Hall is viewed as great space for functions, however few members feel it is a satisfactory space for worship (unless renovated). Parking and accessibility remain key points in the expansion of the grounds and campus. Finally, the majority of respondents believe that new construction and capital improvements are needed to facilitate for future growth.
